Our helpline is open to any woman aged 18 and above.
People from outside of Greater Manchester are also welcome to call but we may not have local knowledge.
Confidential support
The purpose of our helpline is to offer you support after experiencing sexual abuse and rape no matter how long ago that experience happened. If you feel like you are struggling to cope, or just want to be believed, heard and listened to by somebody without judgement, then we are here for you. You may be experiencing intense emotional pain and feel as though you are reliving your traumatic experiences in the form of flashbacks. This can be very difficult to be deal with on your own.
On our helpline we will support you to develop grounding techniques, coping strategies, and explain why everything you are feeling is normal after being subjected to sexual violence. We can signpost you to other services when necessary.
If you are a relative or friend of, including male relatives and friends, and you are supporting a woman who has been abused then you are also welcome to ring for advice about how to support the person close to you. We can also help you explore ways to support yourself during this difficult time.
At GMRC we understand how extremely difficult and lonely it can be to experience sexual violence. Whether it happened recently or over fifty years ago, it can feel like yesterday, and you still deserve the support you need. Acknowledging what has happened to you and making that first call to GMRC can feel daunting but we are here to help. All of the women who work on the helpline have been trained and will not put any pressure on you to do anything. They are there for you.
Local Support – We’re here for you
Your identity will be anonymous but you are welcome to tell us your first name. Our number shows as ‘Withheld’ when we call you, but please note that if you call us, our number will appear on your phone bill. Your number will not appear on the helpline.
Please leave a voicemail if you do not get through and somebody will call you back as soon as possible. All you need to say is your first name and your number. When we leave you a voicemail, we do not mention our name, and will leave up to 3 voicemails. (Please note, If your phone has a barring service, we will not be able to call you from the helpline phone. We will call you back from the office phone and our number will show up).
If you have experienced a recent sexual assault and require medical help, then please contact St Marys, the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) on: 0161 276 6515.
Our helpline is open to any woman aged 18 and above. If you are under 18 or identify as male we will be able to provide you with appropriate phone numbers for organisations that you can contact for support.
People from outside of Greater Manchester are also welcome to call but we may not have local knowledge.
Rape Crisis England & Wales
National Support – Rape Crisis England & Wales
Live Chat Helpline
The Rape Crisis England & Wales Live Chat Helpline is a free, confidential service for women and girls whose lives have been affected by sexual violence.
The Live Chat Helpline operators are there to listen and offer emotional support for up to 45 minutes. You can talk about what happened to you, how you feel, and any difficulties you are facing.
To access the service, or find out more information, including opening times, please visit

How to get in touch
Email us at:
Call our helpline: 0161 273 4500
Opening Times: Monday to Friday: 10am – 4pm. Wednesday and Thursday evenings: 6pm – 9pm.
If you reach our voicemail, please leave your name and number and our friendly volunteers will get back to you.